Sunday, November 19, 2017

MORAL CHOICES ARE DEPENDANT UPON HAVING A CONSCIENCE THAT IS FUNCTIONING OPTIMALLY. When Our Conscience Has Been Deadened By Sin Our Decisions Become Affected And We Make Choices That Lead To Suffering Rather Than Blessing. Few realize that the conscience, our inner recognition to distinguish right from wrong, actually plays a major role in our success in life, even though examples can be provided that appear to contradict this fact.

Happy Riches

Happy Riches answers request by Ibrahim Danbaba
Morality denotes the virtue found in the behavior that exists between individuals. These individuals are sentient beings, who are consciously aware of what they are doing and, therefore, have the option of choosing actions contravening what they know to be right to do. Morality is not found where virtue cannot be appraised by the individuals involved in a relationship.

A conscience that is dulled will not be sharp enough to warn a person of pending danger, because of the person’s wrongdoing. Constant ignoring of one’s conscience leads one into further moral degeneracy and more difficult situations from which to escape when Judgment Day comes—in the form of vengeance from those who have been harmed, or their avengers.

A conscience that is faulty will cause a person to believe that ritualistic behavior has merit. But more than this, rather than seeking the truth, the person will believe that prayer wheels are efficacious, or praying before statues is communion with the Creator of the Universe. This is contrary to engaging in a personal relationship with the One in Whom we live and move and have our being.
  • And he made from one every nation of men to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their habitation, that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel after him and find him. Yet he is not far from each one of us, for ‘In him we live and move and have our being’. (Acts 17:26-28)
Moral choices are about relationships and a faulty conscience will permit turpitude to be indulged and lead us to excuse bad behavior on our own part. The saying “he is on the turps”, when people are so debauched that they will drink turpentine, because their is no other substance around for self-abuse, is akin to the idea of people committing acts of turpitude. Unfortunately, those bereft of the truth do not understand this, even when spelled out in simple language.

The precious set do not understand that snowflakes, though individually different, still make snow. Irrespective of their own claims, they themselves see nothing wrong with harming other people if they are not on their side, when it comes to a point of view.

Individuality in unity is the essence of what it means to be truly a consciously aware sentient being who finds virtue in interdependence and appreciates the moral excellence that binds relationships. If you do not understand this, we are speaking about righteous love, true love.

The precious set of solipsists, who vaingloriously scream for attention, believe there are only two forms of morality. One is relative. The other is its offshoot designated “ethics”, but is really nothing more than virtue signalling.

Situational ethics occurs when contradictory moral choices are justified. Relative morality occurs where evils are accepted, condoned and confined to certain areas. Both situational ethics and relative morality stem from consciences that have been seared through the perseverance of wrongdoing.

Relative morality can result from having grown up within an environment where a conscience was suppressed by virtue of subtle conditioning, or brute force was used wherein the individual caves under pressure and suffers from a form of Stockholm Syndrome—as in convert or be head lopped; or be my slave or we will continue the practice of head lopping. Conversions are seen as a worthy choice under such circumstances—irrespective of the truth about the debasement regarding the whole affair.
Situational ethics results from solipsism: “absorption with oneself without consideration for the needs and desires of others” With a definition like that, there is no need to say any more—unless an image of a middle finger is required to illustrate the point.

The conscience being the inner recognition of right from wrong, good from evil, is the essence of being human. Therefore, when this is corrupted in any way, moral choice is affected adversely.

The Knowledge Of What Is Right Exists To Instruct You How To Enjoy Life

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