Monday, September 4, 2017

BEES ARE DYING IN RECORD NUMBERS BUT WE ARE TOLD THERE IS NOTHING TO BE WORRIED ABOUT, AS THEY ARE NOT NEEDED. Apparently Not Everybody Appreciates The Need For Bees And What They Do. Bees and trees are not important anymore if you live in a concrete jungle, but then neither are people, because they will be replaced by robots.

Bee colony collapse could be a major issue for us all, but then maybe not.

However, what would happen if it were really a massive problem for us all?

We are told that without the bees there will be no fruit from the flowers on the trees and there will be no vegetables either; not to mention that many grasses will not grow.

Pollination is big business and busy bees are responsible for most of the pollination that takes place on planet Earth, even if insects and some birds also get in on the act.

Since 2006, the mass murder of bees has become a more common phenomenon among the commercial beehives of the USA.

Glyphosate was being largely targeted as the major cause for bee colony collapse, for it is a poison that is widely used and is becoming very much part of the food chain, even responsible for many of the illnesses that are on the increaseand thought to be the real reason people are increasingly intolerant to wheat, rather than gluten.

In 2010, Roundup (glyphosate) was nominated as a key culprit in the mass murder of bees in the USA.

Mother Earth News published (December, 2010)  an article entitled Possible Connection Between Roundup and Colony Collapse Disorder, stating:

Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) has been devastating honeybee colonies across much of the country and world during the past few years.
There have been many theories about the cause of this calamity.
Research from the University of Montana is leaning toward a combination of viral and fungal factors as the cause, which hasn’t been proven, but is among the many suspects causing CCD.
Insecticides have also been pointed to more and more, but perhaps this is not quite the right direction in which we should be looking.
Perhaps we should be looking at Roundup, which presently is the most commonly used herbicide in the world.

It seems that Roundup gets into the royal jelly gland of the workers and the larva that are fed this food die.
If a queen lays over 3,000 eggs per day, she may be killed by this poisoned royal jelly.
The colony then tries to re-queen, but because all of the young queens are fed the same poisoned food, they may die in their cells. So within two weeks the colony will be queen-less, with no young larva and no way to raise a new queen.
Such a hive must have a queen added, or it will die soon after.

In 2016, there was a major push back in the media about the supposedly false claims that were being made regarding bee colony collapse, in particular to the outcries that were being made about glyphosate—which is a massive earner for Monsanto.

Henry Miller writing for Forbes magazine claims that there were seven reasons not to worry about bee colony collapse, for no such problem really exists, it is all a myth.

In 2017,  the alarms bells are ringing once more as news of bee colony collapse seems to be devastating hives.

April 11, 2017 - Nicotine-based Neurotoxin Insecticides
Detected in Tap Water for the First Time.
See "Unprecedented Levels" of Neonic "Highly Toxic to Honey Bees."
“The EPA doesn't even have regulations on neonicotinoid concentrations
in drinking water; their explanation is that it's too new and too under-studied”
even though the toxins were being sold in the 1990s!
-, April 7, 2017

University of Iowa scientists have tested water from faucets throughout Iowa City for the presence of nicotine-based insecticides first introduced in the 1990s that are now the most widely used chemicals as seed coatings.
But the neonicotinoids are lethal to honey bees and other insects.
The new report confirms small traces of “neonics” in drinking water, even after filtration treatment — impact on human health unknown.
Neonicotinoids are what honey bee keepers have long suspected are the major culprits in the persistent weakening and decline of honey bee colonies since the winter of 2006 in which many beekeepers then — and every year since — have lost up to 80% or more of their bees. 
 Countries in the European Union such as Italy want to ban the neonics entirely.

Neonics in trace amounts interfere with honey bee nervous
systems and cause death. The U. S. Geological Survey in 2015 also
confirmed that neonicotinoid residues were widespread in water
samples collected from rivers and streams in the U.S.

Vietnam went from 30,000 tons of honey produced in 2015 to 36,000 tons in 2016, and things were looking up.

But now things are looking down, for the production year that ended earlier this year (2017), Vietnam honey production plunged downwards from 36,000 tons to 25,000 tons as bee colonies collapsed.

Between April 2015 and April 2016, beekeepers in the United States lost 44 percent of their colonies and in the UK, beekeepers reported losses of almost 17 percent, according to the British Beekeepers Association.

Henry Miller writing for Forbes says that there are many reasons for the mass murder of bees and infers that it is irresponsible to blame genetically modified foods or roundup or neonicotinoids.

Miller even goes on to suggest that we do not really need bees anyway, because they only play a minor part in pollinating flowers; BUT not according to the National Resources Defense Council.

Ever wonder how palm trees are pollinated, bees by the thousands pay each one a visit to collect pollen.

Honey is a very powerful food. Not only is honey nutritious, it also contains powerful agents that kills viruses and bacteria, and promotes healing.

People drinking a cup of fresh lemon and honey every day are known not to suffer colds and influenza.

Interestingly, God promises a land of milk and honey to the people in whom He delights, because they desire the truth and want to walk in the ways of righteousness.
  • If the Lord delights in us, he will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land which flows with milk and honey. (Numbers 14:8)
As it happens, milk and honey makes a delightful drink and can be very moreish indeed.

Now since God has a promise of milk and honey for people, as an incentive to desire what He has to offer, it is rather bizarre that as we near the end of this present age, honey bees are suffering from the globalists efforts to control nature and bring in an economy that excludes the Creator of Life.


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