Sunday, September 4, 2016

MORALS ARE ESSENTIAL FOR HUMANS IF WE ARE TO RELATE TO EACH OTHER. There Are Questions Over Whether We Have A Conscience That Is Innate Or Cultivated. People may feel guilty if they violate the standards of behavior required by the culture they are raised in, but not if they violate the standards of behavior expected of another culture.

This question sounds like it is coming from a bitter woman who has suffered from the ill will of others.

Much depends upon the community in which a person lives and the family within which a person is raised. In fact, the moral expectations of the parents, within the family a person is raised, probably has the greatest bearing upon the morals of all men—and women, for that matter.

Nevertheless, the community of people a person identifies with outside of the family can also have deleterious effects upon a person's integrity. One thing that is observable between men and women, in general, is that women who have children become more understanding of the value of morality than men.

Men tend to be less moral than women overall. This is because men are more into status rather than relationships with children. Women who give birth to children become more attentive to the relationship between themselves and their children because they have to carry their children in their womb for nine months and breast feed them for at least a year in most instances (although some breast feed up to three years). Consequently, such women are more concerned about relationships than men, simply because of a natural order of events.

In the New Testament, the apostle to the Gentiles, the once Jewish Saul, now the Apostle Paul states:
  • I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control. (1 Timothy 2.12-15)
This provides an insight into men's prevailing attitude of women, which is still predominant around the world, and especially so among Muslims.

Some may think that child-bearing and child-rearing makes women second-class citizens. Others see this as women doing what they are biologically equipped to do and what they are capable of finding satisfaction in doing. Unfortunately, men are unable to experience the pleasure of carrying a child and giving birth.

In the above quotation from 1 Timothy, what the Apostle suggests is that women, in fulfilling and focusing upon their God-given biological prerogatives, will have a closer appreciation of the moral requirements required for peace with God and eternal salvation. Men, on the other hand, do not have this assistance. Consequently, understanding concepts of faith, love and self-control are more difficult for men; especially, if they are given to their animal instincts.

Many men follow their animal instincts and unwittingly emulate a lion jealous of its pride. They will fight and seek to cover as many females as they can. Of course, this is contrary to holiness, which requires a rationale that transcends the animal instincts that are embedded within human flesh as part of being a biological creature.

This capacity to develop a rationale for existence and for our relationships, enables humans to be moral creatures. As moral creatures, we need to appreciate relationships.
Morality is the appreciation of relationships; more particularly, those with whom we have a relationship. In this respect, women have an advantage over men. This is reflected in the fact that more women are found in churches than men. Women realize that healthy relationships are important to well being.

The most important relationship is that with our Creator, for only the Heavenly Father can provide eternal life and justice for being born to suffer before we die. Generally speaking, men lack the gift that women possess, because they do not have to suffer the birth pangs of childbirth.

It just so happens that pain is the greatest motivator known to humans on Earth. Those who experience severe pain seek relief more urgently than those who are only experiencing pain as minor discomfort.

Surprisingly, women seem to be more moral than men, and in large measure we can put this down to the fact they have experienced more severe pain during childbirth. Yet morality has to do with relationships and not pain.

If a woman is unable to find comfort when experiencing excruciating pain in childbirth, who is she going to call upon to help her?

It is not that men have no morals. Rather that they are less moral than women on average, and their consciences are more likely to be seared; particularly, in certain areas of morality.

The Reason People Hate Absolute Morality Is They Disregard Life

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