Wednesday, April 3, 2024

GHETTOS ARE COMMON AMONG THE POOR LIVING IN CITIES WHERE UNEMPLOYMENT IS HIGH AND THE EMPLOYED RECEIVE LOW INCOMES. More Often Than Not, Ghettos Are Where People Of A Certain Ethnic Identity, Religion Or Color Of Skin Live And Their Children Are The Same As Them. What we don’t see are ghettos that are homosexual only or lesbian only or transgender only or just filled with queers only.

There is a worldwide mission to cause distrust among us all by creating racial differences then showing favor to a person who is not really what is claimed to be.

There is an evil cabal intent on causing balkanization within large communities of people who live in cities, metropolises and megalopolises. 

Ghettos are naturally formed when poor people, usually immigrants of the same social background, congregate with those who speak the same language and are of the same race or the same religion. 

Discrimination is a contributing factor to this, although, the likes of the homosexual community, the transgender community and other queers (as they call themselves) don't tend to form ghettos. This is because they can be found across the different strata of affluence within society. Instead of doing what the majority of children do,  follow their parents and conform to social norms, homosexuals, lesbians, queers and trannies, decide to do their own thing.

Anyhow to demonstrate the concocted division within society that does not appear to be natural, notice the striking difference between these two men below. 

In Australia there are few full blood Aborigines. The following pic  (below) is an Aborigine living off the land, who may be close to being full blood. The majority of Aborigines have some white genes that seem to have entered their genetic makeup in the 1800s and early 1900s.

Image result for aboriginal northern territory

The man in the second photo below was named Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Person of the Year in 2000. 

He looks like a wealthy European of white man.

He was was named Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Person of the Year in 2000 and lives off money he has made as a professional fighter.

 He obviously has learned the ways of the tricksters for this individual is known for crying victim to create larger gate receipts.  And why not, for has made his living from being a professional fighter. He is married to a woman who is clearly of European ancestry.

However the man who was named Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Person of the Year in 2000 happens to look as if he is Mediterranean, Turkish and Muslim. 

‘It’s a white supremacist song’: Aboriginal boxer threatens sit-down over Australian national anthem

Turkish men wearing miniskirts (below), notice man in center looks like the brother, if not the twin, of the man above who claims to be non-European and was named Torres Strait and Australian Aborigine of the Year in 2000.

This is another Turkish man (below).

Her is a photo of a full blood Aboriginal who was a minister in the Northern Territory government from 2012 to 2016. Her name is Bess Price (below)

 Bess Price, a minister in the Northern Territory government, on the road to Yuendemu in Walpiri country, north-west of Alice Springs.

At the link below there are some interesting comparisons of Aborigines, Torres Strait Islanders and Sri Lankans.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

UNCERTAINTY CREATES ANXIETY IN US ALL BECAUSE WE ARE NOT MADE TO LIVE WITH IT. We Are All Created To Have Certainty And Not Be Left In The Dark Guessing What Is Going To Happen Next. There is nothing worse than not knowing what is going on around us.

What would you do if someone put a note on your car that said "I know what you did"? Would you be worried?

 Answer requested by Rachel M Johanson

Much depends upon what it is that I did that I need to be worried about. If I have not done anything that I need to be worried about, obviously, there would be nothing to worry about.
Whenever police approach, the first thing that happens is alarm bells go off within my being: What do they want?
On the occasions that I have found myself surrounded by numerous people, whom I do not know, not once have I had the thought “What do they want?”
Unlike when police approach me, there is no uncertainty about being surrounded by a group of individuals with a collective mindset, depending upon the circumstances, I will be aware of whether or not I am in danger of possibly being hurt in a permanent manner.  
When it comes to the police making inquiries, I am not sure whether I am about to be framed, or i will have to appear in court for some other reason, or they are just making a social visit, because they would really like to have a shot of coffee so they do not fall asleep on the job.
A matter that did worry me once, more than anything else has, was if I killed three people and turned a fourth into a vegetable for life, would I be eternally punished?
Now when I was thinking about my evil deeds, I was not worried about an Earthly judge, he can be bought; nor was I worried about investigators, for I thought I was smarter than them; but I was concerned about what would happen, if I had to answer for my actions here on Earth after my biological death.
The reason why I was concerned about what might happen, after my corpse had rotted or had been incinerated, was I found it difficult to believe that a person could conceive of eternity as if it did not exist. More to the point, I found it difficult to believe that I would cease to exist. I reasoned that being born to die is the essence of futility and, if I was not just a meaningless creature controlled by instinct— because I have the capacity to think—then there was every probability that I might have to give an account for my actions before the Creator.

The reason I acknowledged that there had to be a Creator is I have never seen evidence of chance repeating itself sufficiently for me to win a lottery, even though I have heard of a family winning a major lottery three times. After that the family’s luck ran out. Later on, I heard of a person who regularly won a lottery based on a mathematical formula, but when five more numbers were added to the game by the lottery commission (so that instead of correctly picking 6 from 40 numbers he had to correctly pick 6 from 45 numbers), he complained bitterly that it was unfair. It was no longer possible for him to win regularly. The odds of winning had blown out beyond the probabilities of his ability to so using the formula he had devised. The mathematician was not relying upon chance, but calculations which were the result of his reasoning powers.

These reasoning powers, that we all possess, are the reason why I would not be worried if anybody were to put a note on a vehicle that I was driving that said, “I know what you did.”  I would immediately know whether I had done anything cringeworthy or not. Not being a pedovore or cannibal or someone who had perverted obsessions or a coprophiliac or anything of that nature, but knowing that God sees my every move, I have a worldview that incorporates the Eternal Judge.
  • For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show his might in behalf of those whose heart is blameless toward him. You have done foolishly in this; for from now on you will have wars.” (2 Chronicles 16:9)
  • For whoever has despised the day of small things shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel. “These seven are the eyes of the Lord, which range through the whole earth.” ( Zechariah 4:10)
Having given an account of my willful transgressions, as I have confessed my many sins, I have no option but to confess that had Lord Jesus Christ not given me the assurance of my sins being forgiven, and that I now possess Eternal Life, I probably would be worried if someone were to post unwanted messages about what I did.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

DIFFERENT THEORIES OF THE ORIGINS OF COVID 19 ARE VERY MISLEADING. The Strongest Narrative Is That The Virus Was Created As A Bioweapon in China. However, when the facts are examined, what becomes evident is the virus only exists in people's minds

When speaking of origins, that the current COVID-19 came out of Wuhan, China, is a case of “all roads lead to Rome”. Even China admits that this is case, except they have claimed that it originated in USA and was released in Wuhan, during some military games in October, 2019.
Genetically Modified Watch reports that Wuhan is conclusively the place of origins for the virus, but the United States could be in the frame for funding the project— SARS-CoV-2 could have escaped from a lab – and the US is in the frame.
Seeking to know who originated the idea to create the plandemic—as some call it—has people looking to implicate George Soros, Bill Gates, Xi Jinping, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (WHO), ex-President Obama, individuals from the Democrat Party, and the usual suspect Big Pharma.
Many believe that the origin of the idea to create COVID-19 lies in the possibility that a number of those mentioned above, or unknown others, believed there was a need to:
  1. create a worldwide depression for market manipulation
  2. create a means to make more money from therapeutics
  3. create a means to make money with vaccines
  4. create a larger market for Remdevisir[2]
  5. create a means to funnel more money into WHO
  6. create a means to introduce mail in votes in US
  7. create a means by which Trump’s economy will fail
What is rather interesting is that Mark Denison, who leads the Vanderbilt University team studying coronaviruses, and pharmaceuticals that could control them, is on record having said:
Every single one of our grants, every single one of our papers predicted that this event was going to happen that’s occurring right now,” he says. “The whole goal of our drug development was to plan for this.[3]
If SARS CoV-2 (COVID-19) did not accidentally escape from a laboratory in Wuhan, it has to have been purposely released. The origins of this plan is a matter of much speculation. When consideration of who benefits the most, or who are the major beneficiaries from (what skeptics call) this plandemic, then it is possible that the COVID-19 catastrophe originated in a conspiracy to create wealth for China, pharmaceutical companies, shareholders, traders of financial instruments, and put a Democrat in the White House.
Of course, this is not proven, just theory, pure speculation.
What is not a theory:
  • no virus has been isolated from all other material, molecules or debris;
  • the genome of the virus was created on a computer (in silico); 
  • the PCR test tells us nothing, expect what people want to believe; 
  • the injections are leaving behind many injured and dead people.

Monday, February 12, 2024

WHEN SCIENTISTS DEPART FROM APPLICATION OF IDEAS FOR PRACTICAL PURPOSES AND START PRODUCING THEORIES THAT HAVE NO RELATIONSHIP TO IMPROVING LIVING STANDARDS, THEY BECOME PHILOSOPHERS. Attempts Of Explaining Why Things Exist, Why Humans Exist And Why Existence Exists Cease To Be Science. Abiogenesis and theory of evolution are two examples of philosophy being passed off as science.


Profile photo for Happy Riches

Is philosophy losing its academic importance in a similar way that theology has?

The question of “Why” a thing exists or “Why” existence itself exists is philosophical for those who reject the evidence that a Creator exists and therefore He should be able to inform me “Why” we exist, “Why” objects exist and “Why” existence exists.

Science deals with how things work. If true to the definition of acquiring knowledge from experimentation to benefit oneself or humanity, the scientific method is merely one of trial and error with, say, a working hypothesis, that if I tinker with this device some more, I should be able to improve on its operation.

When people, claiming to be scientists, depart from merely putting together means for improving the wellbeing of themselves and their fellow, and start producing theories that have no relationship to practical applications for improving living standards, they delve into the realm of philosophy and begin attempting to explain “why” things exist, “why” we exist and “why” existence exists. Abiogenesis and the theory of evolution is philosophy introduced into science.

Philosophy has nothing to do with practical matters such as developing devices or equipment or machinery or information systems or artificial intelligence. Philosophy has to do with the reasons people do what they do and what is the best course of action to take when utilizing scientific creations.

Being of a human creation, philosophy is relative rather than absolute in regard to what is the best means for utilizing a given thing or procedure. This capacity for human reasoning to gauge standards and vary conditions of acceptance under the superlatives of good, better, best, bad, worse, worst, may seem scientific, but because the demarcations stipulated by these terms crossover, when application is made and a manufactured product is designated good, it could still be better, except it is not really the best fit for purpose envisaged. For instance, a seat may be good enough for a child, yet made better to accommodate average size adults but not be the best fit for a person of a huge size.

Initially, only a practical application of scientific principles is realized in constructing seats for aircraft. However, when taken to the next dimension, a philosophy of ethics and policy bears upon the decisions made in respect to accommodating all passengers. In this respect, practical philosophies of ethics and policy remain an important part of ameliorating the human physical condition, while ensuring what is profitable. Roomier first class seats are available for those who want a more comfortable flight.

Theology, on the other hand, considers the reasons for explaining a belief (if not the truth) about God's existence. The difference in theology and philosophy involve the Creator. Theology is the explanation of matters relating to the Creator. Philosophy is merely the thoughts of humans about life’s existence with the express exclusion of the Creator.

Theology is considered moribund in a world where academia is intent on promoting the philosophy of an evolutionary advancement of some life principle, exclusive of original design. Critical to the philosophical position is emphasis on the acceptance of the cosmological belief that life originated from nothing as a mere chance event. For academia, philosophy will always be relevant, even if few seek to understand the subject and its application to society.

Religion, on the other hand, being the quest for the truth, of which theology is how it is explained to non-seekers, will always exist, until the end of this world. Academia has no time for it, but neither have seekers of truth much truck with academics.

For many, the word “academic” is a pejorative term. Among the bulk of the population, who have no appreciation of scholarship or the reasons people attempt to unveil historical truths concerning society at large, academics are seen as irrelevant. For the ruling class they are seen as a buffer between them and the ignorati, who have no idea of the geopolitical and commercial transactions that take place globally.

Religion according to Marx was the opiate of the serfs, and according to Nietzsche, as good as dead.  As much as scientism and Marxism are promoted as the answer to humankind’s woes, atheism has not been able to gain its hold over the world, Something is missing within the human psyche, and this has to do with relationship and being connected, but not just to other humans, rather to the One who has the answers that transcend being born to die and suffering in the process.

Established universities that have become bastions of academia and scientism will always preserve departments of philosophy in preference to theology. Because of this, those interested in learning about God have departed and formed their own colleges for purposes of instruction and discussion about Creation, the plan and purpose of the Creator and what is required of those who seek absolute truth.

The Ten Commandments Were Designed For You To Enjoy And Possess Life


Thank you

Clifford Buxton (Former Chief of Employee and Labor Relations at U.S. Air Force 1964–1991)

Well reasoned and nicely explained. Thanks. But I sense that even most theologians cannot explain where we came from (other than being created by God), and why we are here and where we go from here (other than a nice place called heaven) or what we will do there (playing harps is nonsense for eternity). That is why revelation from God must be a continuing event if we are to come to and retain truth and find our purpose for eternity.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

WAR IS EASY TO SOLVE BY DECLARING PEACE. The Trouble Has To Do With Internal Power Struggles. Internecine infighting is always the problem, as politicians pump their egos and fatten their bank accounts doing favors for the military-industrial complex.

 Politifact claims that the Pandemic Treaty being sought by the WHO would not give them power to forcibly inject people.

Technically, this appears to be the case; but the weasel language is open to interpretation.


The WHO didn't have the power to lockdown countries or dictate what nations should do in the last fake SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, but their influence is such, governments insisted on restrictions and injections according to WHO's dictates — Gates and China being by far their largest donors at the time.



Tanzania's President John Magufuli and Burundi's President Pierre Knurunziza were not prepared to follow WHO's directives regarding the non-existent disease; consequently, they didn't live too long afterwards. Magufuli was said to have had COVID-19 before dying of a heart attack.


COVID-19 doesn't exist. In reality, what existence COVID-19 has is merely a construct in people's minds.  During the mask mandates I saw one person driving his car wearing a heavy duty gas mask.

COVID-19 creators had in mind a Certificate oVaccination I.D. system with which (1) Artificial (9) Intelligence could be used to track people down, trace their movements and control their moods and even their thoughts. 


Some individuals may have nanobots that are being traced. But, I don't think the Gates & co. have achieved their objective yet. Graphene is expensive, and there are difficulties in production. Disease X will be their next effort. 


Spanish La Quinta Columna founder Ricardo Delgardo says that the vials his group examined have no spike protein or mRNA, just hydrogel and self-assembling graphene nanoparticles which is denied by Pfizer. Many of their vials contained saline solutions and other concoctions.


Hydrogel and graphene are very real. Heavy metals and other toxins are real. Contagious viruses are a myth. 


As a young virologist, Stefan Lanka explains that no virus can be found by only looking for it in the blood. 


What is called a “virus” is created using cells from monkeys, cows, and human fetuses mixed with agar and antibiotics. Lab technicians may wear hazmat suits, but there is nothing contagious about this mixture.



Stefan Lanka eventually put up a prize of €100,000 for anyone who could isolate the measles virus, or demonstrate that one had been isolated from all other material. 


The only person to have claimed he had evidence of an isolated virus took Lanka to court, because Lanka refused to pay him over his bogus claim. 


The German high court arranged for two independent laboratories to isolate the virus. They were unable to provide evidence of isolation, which left the court with no other option but to rule that no measles virus had been isolated (ie. doesn’t exist). 


€100,000 is nothing to be sneezed at. How much more a prize of €1,500,000 for whoever demonstrates that a virus exists by actually isolating it from everything else. 


Evidently, virologists are so well paid that picking up an easy €1,500,000, by demonstrating that a virus can be isolated, is not worth the effort.



Dr. Suzzane Humphries specialized in nephrology (kidney issues). When she learned hospitals were incentivized to vaccinate patients on admission, she found herself at odds with her employer. This led to writing her book Dissolving Illusions.


One of Suzzane's discoveries was that 80% of kidney failures were caused by “appropriately prescribed” medicines. Moreover, she discovered that vaccines are not safe and effective but actually do more harm than good.


Trump still claims that he saved many lives through "Operation Warp Speed". The only way this could be possible is that by causing Big Pharma to see $$$$$$$, they would become careless and people would balk at taking experimental injections. 


Initially, many people resisted “the jab” because of the rush to get the injections to market, with a significant percentage refusing to be part of the experiment.


Eventually, many of the jabbed refused to take any more, because information was leaking out concerning “pro-vaccine” victims such as orthopedic surgeon Joel Wallskog MD, and children such as Maddie de Garay, who have pro-vaccine parents; not to mention the numerous “adverse” reports from acquaintances, friends and family members. 



Fox's Mark Levin’s analysis of Trump compares him with Ronald Reagan


Levin appeals to Reagan's candidacy as a guide to how Trump will win the majority vote.  Trump actually expects to win with a greater majority than the 2020 fake votes for Joe Biden.


The parallels can't be dismissed. Nor can the fact that Ronald Reagan was earmarked for the White House after Jimmy Carter.


Gary Allen wrote in The Rockefeller File (p145-6):


Many will refuse to believe the next prediction will happen, but we would bet our last farthing on it. If Nelson gets the top spot, the number two man on the ticket will be Ronald Reagan. It will be successfully sold to the Republican faithful across the nation as "the ticket to save the party."  


Would Reagan prostitute himself to accept the number two man on a Rocky ticket Unfortunately, the answer is yes. Reagan will do whatever his -Kitchen Cabinet- of -money men tell him to do.... 


Whether Rocky is at the top or in the number two position on the ticket may depend on whether his private surveys indicate he could be elected President. 


Surveys revealed no one trusted Rockefeller. He didn't take the veep ticket under Reagan.



What is interesting is the control factor. David Ike in a response to Alex Jones notes the control factor in relation to the idea that Trump is going to save the USA by Making America Great Again.


Alex Jones once did a promo on his show that presented him as especially chosen by God. Now Trump appears to be captured by the same messianic complex.  


John Bowne, reporting on the migrant invasion through the southern US border, points to the inclusion of terrorists.


Trump is saying that when elected President; he's deporting the millions entering the USA via the southern border. This may give the impression that he is the USA's messiah.


Trump is backed by generals. They have the goods on the USA Deep State. This is why the Democrats are trying to prevent him from becoming President in any way possible.



Do the large lithium deposits discovered in California and Nevada mean US politicians will have more incentive to push the development of electric vehicles?


Will Donald Trump, if he is elected, continue to push fossil fuels only, or will he begin pushing electric vehicles? 



One view of current events goes:

  • USA attacks Iran.
  • China attacks Taiwan.
  • North Korea attacks South Korea.
  • Russia overwhelms Ukraine.
  • Arab terrorists join together again.
  • Illegal migrants who have entered the USA are armed by covert operatives, already in place, to create civil war.

Greg Reece says false flags are imminent


One thing is for sure, everything on the geopolitical stage looks like governments have been told to prepare for war; but not just any war  nuclear war!

  • Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.  (John 14:27)

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